Our annual Mountains to Sea Wānanga was held at Hinetemoa Marae, Waimārama, Hawkes Bay with the support of Sustainable Hawkes Bay and Waimārama hau kāinga on the 1-3rd October, 2024.
Three days of freshwater fun where participants learned about īnanga spawning, how to measure health of waterways, how to teach tamariki about te taiao and how to become a good facilitator for catchment groups.
This wānanga was part of our national Tatai ki te wai - Wai Connection project co-funded through the Ministry of the Environment’s Essential Freshwater Fund (EFF). This project aims to empower and connect communities within catchment areas enabling collaboration.
The aim of our wānanga was to provide professional development for the team delivering Wai Connection across the country as well as providing training opportunities for those in the local Waimārama community.

Ngā mihi nui
Waingōngoro Awa Restoration Project - for inviting us to spend time in your beautiful awa.
Hapī Catering, Peak House and Whaea T for the great kai.
Next steps for participants
Want to tell your story?

If you would like to share your experience at the Wānanga we would love to feature a blog post on our website. Email lorna@mountainstosea.org.nz with your story.
Volunteer with us in your region

We are always looking for passionate people around Aotearoa. Snorkel guides, tree planters and wetsuit washers always needed.
Ngā mihi nui
